Oct. 24, 2005
Greetings, my good and fair public.
Tis I, Timothy Charming, reporting from our nation's capital, Washington DC. If one was to take a look at OK Go's rigorous touring schedule, one might conclude that OK Go is not playing in the District of Columbia for another week. At this juncture, one might also begin to wonder to oneself, "Then why, Mr. Timothy Charming, are you sending us messages from the Capital City?" Well, my little chickadees, I'll tell you: Today is the coveted day off.
In rock and roll, a day off is not unlike the day off of a lawyer, doctor, electrician, or topographer. Major label recording artists like myself use these days to tend to laundry and dry cleaning, catch up on email, return phone calls, see family and bathe (time permitting). If a band member like myself is really lucky, then he might have the pleasure of day-ing off in a city where darling young ladies like my two year-old niece Ellie live.
Tonight I happened to be just that lucky. I dined with my adorable niece, who taught me these important lessons about life and myself:
- I drink out of a big boy's glass.
- It is not OK to draw on the table with crayons.
- Being a cow for Halloween is exciting.
- Saying 'Uncle Timmy' is not as easy as it seems.
- Saying 'Uncle Timothy Charming' is going to be even more of a challenge.
- Baths are fun!
- Time outs are a bummer.
- Putting things away is a chore.
- I am funny looking.
- My hat is funny looking too.
- Hugs and kisses from my two year-old niece, whom I seldom see, are about as sweet as it gets.
Live it,
Timothy Charming xo