Bidding starts at $40.00. Get in on the action at and scroll down to the OK Go auction. Why? Cause it's for a good cause.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Win A Good Talking To And Rocking Towards From OK Go
OK Go lobbyists unite. You can now buy two passes to meet OK Go on Feb. 1st at Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel in Providence, RI. You'll get two tickets to the show, your photo taken with the band, and your stuff signed without you even having to ask. Why are OK Go selling their services this way? To support a wonderful charity, the Sweet Relief Musician's Fund, an organization that provides financial assistance to musicians of all kinds who are struggling to make ends meet while facing illness, disability, or age-related problems.
Bidding starts at $40.00. Get in on the action at and scroll down to the OK Go auction. Why? Cause it's for a good cause.
Bidding starts at $40.00. Get in on the action at and scroll down to the OK Go auction. Why? Cause it's for a good cause.
Hey! I'm a poor intern far away from home in Brussels (I'm from Montreal...!) who just learned you guys were coming to give a show in February... And it seems that you're darn too popular, 'cause your tickets are all sold-out. I'm sorry to sound so groupie, but I would looooove to attend (as in pllleeeaazze). Isn't there anything you could do to fulfil this sponteneous wish? Lol. Ahhh...
Great blog btw.
P.S. If you wanna practice your French, my blog is at ;-)
I won!!! YEA!
I dislike said anonymous person above me for their gloating.
Sorry, I didn't mean to gloat :)
Heck I would gloat all over the place too if I won. And also, I would probably gloat very obnoxiously, with a lot of "HAH!" and "SUCKAS!!", things of that nature. Let's just be happy for the winner. Peace. Peace.
Gloat away and be jolly. heh. :)
Gotta come to Brazil.
Really, really, really do.
Really do.
Thank you, all, for an incredible show last night! Thanks for being quirky, enthusiastic, possibly high, and putting on the best show I have perhaps ever been to. I hope Providence treated you well, and have fun in Europe!
Great poost thankyou
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