Thursday, December 14, 2006
Cal Robbins Needs Your Help
Once upon a time there was a band called Jawbox. They were a huge influence on Damian, who saw them perform dozens of times in high school gyms and rented-out churches. We just found out that Cal Robbins, the newborn son of Jawbox's lead singer, has been diagnosed with a terrible genetic disorder called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. DeSoto Records has set up a family fund to help out with their medical bills. You can donate to it here. To learn more about SMA, and to find other ways to help, check out the SMA Foundation.

Whether it takes a miracle or science (or both), I wish Cal well.
Oh, poor baby. I hope he gets much much better soon! I'll be sure to donate.
I want OkGO to know that i really like them and to let them know that no body i have met ever said one bad thing about u. Not even on You Tube all the comments are awesome. Keep it up and make more songs ur doing GREAT.
Your Secert Friends
Sorry about ur baby HOPE SHE GETS WELL SOON
My 9 yr. old daughter, LINDSEY, also has SMA type II/II! It is SO cool that you guys can help support such a devistating disease that is very common (yet much of the public knows nothing about it!) THANK YOU!
A huge fan...our family blog about Lindsey www.curesma4lindsey.com
Praying for little Cal.
I'm Lisa's sister (she commented above), so I am an auntie of Lindsey. Thanks for posting about it- so many people don't know enough about SMA.
Baby Cal- we hope the disease doesn't hit your little body too hard and we hope your parents have supportive friends and family.
p.s. Our little Lindsey is the brightest girl ever and has a ton of fun like any other 9 year old! Cal will move mountains, too!
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